Going Analog: Why We’re Craving a Simple Life

Exponential technology is creating the most rapid social and cultural transformation in modern history. But, as technology becomes more complex, could we be on the cusp of a paradigm shift that is leading us back to a simpler life? And, does “going analog” mean what we think it does? Are we going back to 8-tracks…


I skate out onto the track in terror. My heart in my throat, my knees quivering and my mind racing. What the hell was I doing out here?  I can barely hear fans in the arena cheering as I gulp in breaths. The whistle blows. And the chaos begins. My first roller derby game. The…

Delete Facebook Vs. Setting Healthy Boundaries

The world has been abuzz in recent weeks amidst the Facebook/Cambridge Analytica data scandal. This is, perhaps, the most damaging and far-reaching revelation in the company’s 14-year history. Rally cries to #DeleteFacebook have been trending for weeks – and many individuals, including large brands like Tesla – have followed through on this threat. Mark Zuckerberg’s…